Sunday, March 26, 2017

Ko Au Tenei

No whea koe?

No Lower Hutt auImage result for Lower hutt

He pai ki a koe he aha?
He pai ki au he aporoImage result for apples

He pai ki au he rareImage result for lollies

Kaore he pai ki a koe he aha?

Kaori he pai ki au he pi roroImage result for bumble bee
Kaori he pai ki au he takutaImage result for doctor drawing

Kei te kaha koe ki te aha?

Kei te kaha au ki te kaukauImage result for swimming

Kei te kaha au ki te moeImage result for sleeping drawing

Saturday, March 25, 2017

The Market

Why, why are you always taking me to the market huh. Its also
up at the waitangirua mall, I could have done something even better in the morning like sleeping in or even going on my phone. Oh well I just hope that it will be a quick trip.

As I walk through the cones I hear music booming in my eardrums like if there were somebody shouting at me to give them money or buying their food. Hearing screams from a little girl crying and begging for what she wants. Gosh I wonder if that was me when I was little.

Shutting my eyes as if they were guided to sleep but now I am wondering around where that smell is coming from. Opening my eye’s straight opened and finding where that smell is coming from. As I gazed at the caravan that had the delicious smell I wonder to myself “ do I really want to buy this, Will it be good” My mom always say that trying new food is a new flavor.

As I went to that caravan I already saw my mom there buying that food I was wondering about. She’s coming over to me and what I saw was a fried bread in her hand. She gives it to me to try it, I stare at her she gives me the hurry up and eat it look. I grab it off her and took a big bite. My face started to turn into a I want to eat it all mode. Suddenly I put the other half in my mouth like I was hogging the food, enjoying it with glee and looked around some more.

My eye’s start glaring at the big gigantic bouncy castle that is shaped like a boot. It looked really old and rusty, I looked at the line and no one was even there. I felt tempted to go on it but suddenly I remembered something my mom told me, “Aria DO NOT go on something if nobody's there okay”. Ow man I Really wanted to go on it, oh well it looked dirty like a messy room any ways.

Staring at the clothes that look old like if somebody kept on passing it to each other. As I gaze at the maori necklaces I knew that I would want one so I touched the smoothness of the jade stone. It felt like I would wear this in a kapa haka performance representing my culture with it.

“Aria time to go home”  o man I really wanted to stay more. You know what I think this is a great place to be in. I think I am going to come to the market every saturday.

By Aria