Sunday, November 25, 2018

Aria & Anahera's production reflection

Aria's report

A spoon full of confidence, a dash of hardwork and a hint of mistakes will lead you to success.

The key for me to keep going and working hard at school is confidence. My confidence helps me be the best learner I can be by participating in many activities e.g Netball, librarian etc. It helps me stepping up as a leader, making those new friendships and mostly communicating more to my classmates by sharing my ideas.

In the past I have been the scaredy, introverted Aria who was unable to do anything in her school life. She found it really hard to write a single word on a document or paper. The reason she was like this was because she was afraid, afraid of what other people might think about

2018 was the first year I have ever played netball in my life. Most of my friends think I am lying that I have never played before but it’s the truth. The reason that stopped me from playing was that I didn’t want the ball to hit me, I didn’t want to make a fool out of myself. But for me to improve my fitness I guess I had no choice but to join. Ever since I never regretted my decision besides the exhausting trainings I learnt heaps and had lots of fun.
Reading and writing, two of my favorite subjects here at Corinna school. Mystery books are very interesting to me so whenever I read these kind of books, I quickly get hooked in causing me to block out my surroundings. What I like about writing is that there are many styles, poems, diaries you name them. Short but detailed poems are my kind of style not only because they are nice and short but also because there can be thousands of words that can come out of poems.
This year I have received a principal award. I got the principal’s award for being a self managing and determined learner who not only consistently makes positive choices about her own learning, but is a role model in supporting and encouraging others to do their best learning. I was really surprised but happy that I got it because that meant every single school year I have gotten a principal award.

Managing self would have to be the key competency I did well this year because for me to be able to finish my work on time I would have to make the right choice on where I sit and the people I am choosing to work well with.

The job’s I have applied for this year are Kindergarten reading and librarian. I may have not been involved in many jobs in Corinna but I hope when I get to Tawa college I am able to take a risk and join as many as I can handle.

I have been here at Corinna for my whole life and leaving means leaving my childhood.

Aria's leavers legacy.

Aria’s leavers legacy.

I wouldn’t really know how to describe this year, fun, exhausting, depressing I don’t have a clue. I couldn’t believe that it’s term 4 already, time went so fast that I had forgotten what had happened earlier on the year. But what i do know is that this will be the last year I will be in Corinna school.
I want to be remembered for being the friendly, weird but intelligent, bubbly Aria that everyone at Corinna knows. I may be quiet but in comfortable situations like my friends, I am outgoing around them.

I was really hoping that I would have more time to create precious memories with my friends and teachers but sadly that can not happen since we have to move on with our next level - college. So I would have to make the most of it.

My personality involves dance because it lets out all the emotion that's inside of me. For that to happen I have joined polyclub and participated in a dance production.

The people I would need to thank for this to happen would have to be my teachers - Mrs Ardelle and Helen. These two believed in me when I couldn’t believe myself, they helped me to be the hardworking Aria that I am right now. So thank you.

I can’t pick a favorite memory but if I HAD to then it would have to be that one time at the dance production where me and my class got to shine on the stage with our dance moves. During the performance I had a big smile that everyone could see while I’m dancing.

These are my final words:
Alast since this is my last year, this may be the last time I write something at Corinna school. I have been at Corinna my whole life and leaving means leaving my childhood.

Aria Jury.

Aria's language learning story.

Ka Tangi Te Titi, Ka Tangi Te Kaka, Ka Tangi Hoki Ahau, Tehei Mauri Ora.

Thanks to my kaiako - Tipapa, I was able to learn sentences in Maori, Maori games and stories that have fascinated me. We also learnt a karakia that the kapa haka group have been saying -

Tutakinga i te iwi, Tutakinga i te toto, Tutakinga i te kiko

Tutakinga i te uaua, Tutakinga kia u, Tutakinga kia mau

Tenei te rangi ka tutaki, Tenei te rangi ka ruruku, Tenei te papa ka wheuka

E rangi e awhitia, E papa e awhitia

Nau kawhi kawhi, Nau kaaka kaaka, Nau ka toroa ka toroa

Tupu he toka whenua, Tupu he toka matatera

Tihei Mauri Ora

In class I have been struggling to pronounce the Maori words since I am not use to speaking Maori but my teachers and friends try the hardest to help me pronounce them properly.

My next steps is to speak more in class because since I am an introvert, I am not able to speak up during learning time.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Aria's Reading Learning story

Aria’s Reading Learning story.

“A young messenger. A secret mission. A kingdom in peril”

To be honest the first impression I had for this book was more like boring mixed with “who the heck wrote this book” kinda face. But after awhile I realised that I was still reading this dull looking book - The Letter For The King by Tonke Dragt.  This is a fiction book.
I chose this book because I wanted to try something different for once. So instead of reading thin books I would have a go and try a thick book but that wasn’t only one of the reasons I chose this book. It was also because it had the kind of genre I would read so like a dash of adventure, a cup of mystery and a hint of danger.

The stranger leant close and whispered in Tiuri’s ear, “I have a letter here, with a message of vital importance. One might even say that the fate of an entire kingdom depends on it. It is the letter for the king. And since you are a knight I trust you to take it”

I inferred from this paragraph so I worked out that Tiuri will face a lot of enemies along the way that are trying to get the letter since the stranger said it was of utmost important, even the kingdom depends on it.

I evaluated from this so if I was in Tiuri’s shoes I would’ve been scared, even if I was a knight I would still be scared because I wouldn’t know what the future would hold for me when I try and deliver the letter.

I analyzed and synthesized so the main message in this story is that it’s a matter of life or death since the kingdom relies on one letter.

The strength I was good at was inferring because I would always think really deep in what’s actually about to happen in the text and work out what is not stated in it.

I need to work on making meaning strategies like reading back because if the sentence maybe a bit tricky I would have to read back and try to understand it or just ask someone if they knew what it meant.

Here’s a  little bit of my book if interested.

“What’s better about books is that they never run out of battery”

Feedback: Anahera,
No surprises. Once again you have managed to write a well-written text that is entertaining and informing. Everything from your strengths to your improvements seems to be included in this writing and so now I am able to understand n more about you as a reading learner.

By the way, your use of personal voice and context was a brilliant way to begin this learning story.


Thursday, September 27, 2018

Aria's E-astle.

Bottling up
Depression lies in all teenagers. Most usually bottle them up, putting on a fake smile as if they were acting and fooling everyone around them. But deep inside you know everyone will find out.

Take an example like me, Aria. A young girl who’s bubbly on the outside but is truly depressed on the inside. It’s just like following a recipe, a cup of depression, a spoon full of anxiety and a hint of disguise and you get a girl like me. Now let's get on with this boring life of mine.

Wednesday, 4:00 in the afternoon, locked up in my room, not caring about all the dramas that are happening in the world. Except for one. “YOU ALWAYS COME HOME DRUNK!” I can hear my Mom and dad fighting again. “BECAUSE I HAVE BEEN STRESSING A LOT!” My dad says. It’s like every day they are always like this. Hoping that it would stop but…. No.

That whole time they were fighting I was staring at a pocket knife and as I knew it, it was in my hand and the blade was on my bare skin. As if lightning struck my door slammed open. “Hey Ari- WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” said my dad. I stayed silent, closing my hand into a tight fist as my knuckles turn pale as snow, my vision turns blurry from the tears that are welled up in my eyes. “What in the world is going- ARIA JURY, WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?” “I-I didn’t mean t-” “HOW DID WE RAISE YOU LIKE THIS!”  After hearing those words I stormed out of the house.

It took a few minutes for me to realize I had nowhere to go. I started making my way to my happy place where only me and my best friend go when we are in our down moments. I arrived and sat on the soft sand looking up to the greyish clouds.

“What have I gotten myself into? I didn’t ask for all this” It was cold, actually more like freezing. I don’t know why I didn’t bring a jacket with me until two arms wrapped around me giving me warmth. I knew exactly who it was and started to burst out crying. “E-Eva I wi-wish I was in a bottle where nothing can tr-ry and hu-urt me-e,”
“Shhh just let it all out and you will feel better,” she said.

It took a couple of minutes to calm down and tell her about what's been going on in my life. She had no idea what I was going through and was upset that I didn’t tell her. She knew that I shouldn’t have kept it in because I was the only one getting hurt from all the pain “Well the only way that this problem can be solved is to talk to your parents, tell them what you’ve been through and they’ll understand”

It took a while for me to think about Eva’s advice but sooner or later I made my choice. Leading to my situation right now, face to face with my parents. Telling them that I have been through hell throughout my life. There were moments where I would look at them deeply and could tell that they never knew I felt like this and I should’ve told them.

5 years later
We moved towns meaning that we agreed to start a new life instead. Ever since that day, a lot has changed, My parents stopped fighting to cause me to stop hurting myself physically. But I still miss my best friend, she helped me a lot and I wish I could repay her. There were a few down moments but it didn’t last long. Finally, I can have a life that’s in peace.

But heed this: bottling something up would only make yourself feel worse but letting it out will let people support you.


Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Aria's Maths learning story T3 Wk 10

Aria’s Maths Learning Story.

I don’t like maths but it is helpful.

3 cm

  10 cm

4.5 cm

This problem:  Allister and Sam are refilling the fridge with milk cartons. They want to save time by transporting the milk boxes in a bigger container so they can carry more at once.

And right now we are trying to find out how many milk cartons can fit into the container.

  • Multiply the width, length and height to find the volume e.g W x L x H = ?
  • Divide the two numbers together to find out how many milk cartons can fit into the container.

Milk carton - 4.5 x 3 x 10 = 135 cm
Box - 28 x 33 x 33 = 30492 cm
30492 cm ÷ 135 cm = 225

First I used a conjecture for this problem because I wanted to test out if it actually works and see if it could be helpful for this problem. And seeing the equation I just used, I found out that 225 milk cartons can fit into the container. I do have to say that this was a tricky problem.

The K.C I used would be relating to others because I would encourage my teammates to get onto the waka and share their ideas so I would be able to spark some more that would be helpful.

Getting out of the pit was hard for me because I would need to try and make meaning to what I am doing but with the help with my teammates I was able to persevere and be free.

What I need to work on is to be ready to explain and justify to my teammates what I am doing? and why I am doing this?, so they understand what is going on. As I said “I don’t like maths but it will be helpful in the future”.

Titi’s Feedback: Hello Aria...

I like the way you have explained and justify the problem and your conjectures. Good work on sharing your K.C skills.

You need to work on not blabbing your mouth in maths and having the pen. I have no idea of what else you need to work on. You are an awesome maths learner because you are good at working with people you don’t usually work with and you are good at persevering when you’re in the pit.