Sunday, November 25, 2018

Aria's leavers legacy.

Aria’s leavers legacy.

I wouldn’t really know how to describe this year, fun, exhausting, depressing I don’t have a clue. I couldn’t believe that it’s term 4 already, time went so fast that I had forgotten what had happened earlier on the year. But what i do know is that this will be the last year I will be in Corinna school.
I want to be remembered for being the friendly, weird but intelligent, bubbly Aria that everyone at Corinna knows. I may be quiet but in comfortable situations like my friends, I am outgoing around them.

I was really hoping that I would have more time to create precious memories with my friends and teachers but sadly that can not happen since we have to move on with our next level - college. So I would have to make the most of it.

My personality involves dance because it lets out all the emotion that's inside of me. For that to happen I have joined polyclub and participated in a dance production.

The people I would need to thank for this to happen would have to be my teachers - Mrs Ardelle and Helen. These two believed in me when I couldn’t believe myself, they helped me to be the hardworking Aria that I am right now. So thank you.

I can’t pick a favorite memory but if I HAD to then it would have to be that one time at the dance production where me and my class got to shine on the stage with our dance moves. During the performance I had a big smile that everyone could see while I’m dancing.

These are my final words:
Alast since this is my last year, this may be the last time I write something at Corinna school. I have been at Corinna my whole life and leaving means leaving my childhood.

Aria Jury.

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