Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Aria's Reading Learning story

Aria’s Reading Learning story.

“A young messenger. A secret mission. A kingdom in peril”

To be honest the first impression I had for this book was more like boring mixed with “who the heck wrote this book” kinda face. But after awhile I realised that I was still reading this dull looking book - The Letter For The King by Tonke Dragt.  This is a fiction book.
I chose this book because I wanted to try something different for once. So instead of reading thin books I would have a go and try a thick book but that wasn’t only one of the reasons I chose this book. It was also because it had the kind of genre I would read so like a dash of adventure, a cup of mystery and a hint of danger.

The stranger leant close and whispered in Tiuri’s ear, “I have a letter here, with a message of vital importance. One might even say that the fate of an entire kingdom depends on it. It is the letter for the king. And since you are a knight I trust you to take it”

I inferred from this paragraph so I worked out that Tiuri will face a lot of enemies along the way that are trying to get the letter since the stranger said it was of utmost important, even the kingdom depends on it.

I evaluated from this so if I was in Tiuri’s shoes I would’ve been scared, even if I was a knight I would still be scared because I wouldn’t know what the future would hold for me when I try and deliver the letter.

I analyzed and synthesized so the main message in this story is that it’s a matter of life or death since the kingdom relies on one letter.

The strength I was good at was inferring because I would always think really deep in what’s actually about to happen in the text and work out what is not stated in it.

I need to work on making meaning strategies like reading back because if the sentence maybe a bit tricky I would have to read back and try to understand it or just ask someone if they knew what it meant.

Here’s a  little bit of my book if interested.

“What’s better about books is that they never run out of battery”

Feedback: Anahera,
No surprises. Once again you have managed to write a well-written text that is entertaining and informing. Everything from your strengths to your improvements seems to be included in this writing and so now I am able to understand n more about you as a reading learner.

By the way, your use of personal voice and context was a brilliant way to begin this learning story.


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