Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Technology learning story

In 2017 the year 7 and 8 go to Branden Intermediate to do technology with Nga tone school. You must be wondering what kind of technology we do well it’s not like we use electronics there, we simply do cooking, music, art, hard materials and sewing.  We are all in six group and we do different activities.

Currently, I am in sewing class and in sewing class, we created a fluffy miniature sized pillows and buttoned small bags. I was really good at measuring accurately by being focused on the measuring I am doing. All I need to work on is to sew straight lines because some of my work has been a bit wonky.


The first class I was in was cooking when we first came to technology this year. I wasn’t really sure if I could cook healthy food because at home I usually I bake sweets yummy sweets but I knew one day I would learn how to cook healthy. I was really good at listening to instructions because I and my buddy’s food turned out great because I listened and if my buddy was to get stuck I would tell them what they need to do next or what they did wrong.


In music, we played lots of instruments e.g drums, keyboard, and our voice. I was good at planning before I do something because I knew if I was stuck and didn’t have a plan I wouldn’t know what to do so I thought and made a plan. I got better at playing with the keyboard by getting taught by a professional, Titi. I had lots of fun being taught to play the keyboard because I kept on messing it up.

Art/Soft material.

Art isn’t my thing because I always mess it up but it's something that I am working on. I am good at sharing ideas because everyone in my class agreed to it and also some people added on to it. I got better at talking about what to do because usually, the teacher would ask me what we are doing but I just can’t remember but I got better at it.

Woodwork/ Hard materials

In woodwork, we created a lot of fun things like a mini shield, a wooden key. They were fun but they weren’t easy to make. It was hard to hammer down the nails because I can’t really hammer down straight, it always seems to go crooked.

Technology is a fun place for me to learn new skills that I have never witnessed before e.g sewing. I can’t wait for Thursday.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Athletics learning story

The world tells you to “give up” but hope whispers “try it one more time”.

I am a very confident person. And a confident person always tries and tries even when they fail they keep on going. That's what I did in athletics. I tried my best by staying calm and I didn’t panic. I Stayed focused and ignored distraction. I struggled in things but that never stopped me.

First up was the resting station.It wasn’t really a rest station for me because I was shouting and cheering on  people to do their best so they can feel hyped and excited about what they were going to do.

download (13).jpg My favorite event of all was high jump. In high jump I was so happy that I got a gold for it because high jump is kinda my thing. I was good at not hesitating when I was near the jump bar because I practiced high jump and in those practices I didn’t hesitate. Hesitating isn’t really a good thing because if you start to hesitate in high jump you won’t jump very high.

download (12).jpgMore jumping is coming up but this time it’s long jump. It is hard to jump and then land on two feet because I like it when I landed on one foot, I didn’t really like it but I had to deal with it anyway. I was pushing myself to the limit so I could at least get a silver for it and I did.

download (11).jpgThis time throwing came up that meant vortex. I am terrible at it! When I throw the vortex it doesn’t really go very far. While it wasn’t my turn I was thinking of a strategy and that was to look up at the sky and pick a cloud to aim it at. That was my strategy because I have noticed that a lot of people throw the vortex like they are going to hit the cloud.

download (14).jpgShot put is definitely not my event either because the shotput is REALLY heavy!. Every time I held it my hand I felt like my hands were going to drop on the ground because of the weight. I got better at holding the shot put properly because I remember when I held it wrong it nearly landed on my foot.So then I would practice how to hold it. After I threw the shot put I had some feedback that I needed to improve and by having a good stance so the shot put could go a bit further. That’s what I will do next year.

download (15).jpgDiscus is another throwing event but this one was a bit easier for me. The only hard thing was when we had to hold the discus on our palm and that was a bit difficult but I got better every time it was my turn. I was really about to give up but all my friends had faith in me so I that made me keep on going until my turn was done.

download (10).jpg Run run run you can’t catch me I’m the gingerbread man. Sprints was very unexpected because I came forth. Usually I always last or second to last person in sprints but I have improved. I felt proud of myself because I got a gold for sprints, I knew if I kept on going I would at least have a chance.

download (16).jpgLong distance was my worse one yet because it was a long run I knew that I would get a bronze because I don’t usually run that far. I decided to jog really slow so that I can catch my breath. It still made me exhausted. The thing that was hard was to keep on going so at the end you would feel really tired and you would need to catch your breath.

After a long hard day it came to an end. Then we had regionals next. I wasn’t really excited because I was like “ Oh no! There still more”.