Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Technology learning story

In 2017 the year 7 and 8 go to Branden Intermediate to do technology with Nga tone school. You must be wondering what kind of technology we do well it’s not like we use electronics there, we simply do cooking, music, art, hard materials and sewing.  We are all in six group and we do different activities.

Currently, I am in sewing class and in sewing class, we created a fluffy miniature sized pillows and buttoned small bags. I was really good at measuring accurately by being focused on the measuring I am doing. All I need to work on is to sew straight lines because some of my work has been a bit wonky.


The first class I was in was cooking when we first came to technology this year. I wasn’t really sure if I could cook healthy food because at home I usually I bake sweets yummy sweets but I knew one day I would learn how to cook healthy. I was really good at listening to instructions because I and my buddy’s food turned out great because I listened and if my buddy was to get stuck I would tell them what they need to do next or what they did wrong.


In music, we played lots of instruments e.g drums, keyboard, and our voice. I was good at planning before I do something because I knew if I was stuck and didn’t have a plan I wouldn’t know what to do so I thought and made a plan. I got better at playing with the keyboard by getting taught by a professional, Titi. I had lots of fun being taught to play the keyboard because I kept on messing it up.

Art/Soft material.

Art isn’t my thing because I always mess it up but it's something that I am working on. I am good at sharing ideas because everyone in my class agreed to it and also some people added on to it. I got better at talking about what to do because usually, the teacher would ask me what we are doing but I just can’t remember but I got better at it.

Woodwork/ Hard materials

In woodwork, we created a lot of fun things like a mini shield, a wooden key. They were fun but they weren’t easy to make. It was hard to hammer down the nails because I can’t really hammer down straight, it always seems to go crooked.

Technology is a fun place for me to learn new skills that I have never witnessed before e.g sewing. I can’t wait for Thursday.

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