Thursday, February 23, 2017

This is me

Aria @ Orchestra.jpg  

Work hard, play fair and never give up.

Hey there the name’s Aria, I am 11yrs old, I go to the best school, Corinna, and I am proud that I am Maori.

I usually have a busy week because I participate in a lot of stuff like Karate, Violin, Kapahaka, patrols and drumming. I participated in them because I can take risks.

My desire is to be an author because I love reading books. I was inspired by the very first book that I read, and that was The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.

The feelings that I use for school is happiness, because I like to bright up my day. Sure I cry when I get hurt but that won’t stop me from having a happy day.

Friendship is what I love about school. I love how people are treating each other friendly and how people are taking risk’s to make new friends. That is what I call friendship.

Most of the time I spend nearly a entire day playing minecraft. I have built shop’s, houses and secret rooms. My mum is never happy whenever I play minecraft because she doesn't understand so I tell her what it is about but she just doesn’t get it.

Sigh anyways let's talk more about myself.

At home it is just me and my mom because everyone in our family live in other countries or cities so we don’t really talk much.

I found out that I had a 2nd sister when I was 5yrs old. Her name is Jayda well she isn’t really my sister because she is my biological sister. I was wondering why she was my biological sister instead of being my real one so my mom explained how so she said that “Jayda has a different mom but same dads”. I was shocked but I handled it.

Oh did I also mention that I have a brother in law well not yet but soon. Some of my friends knows him as Jackson but I call him Jack for short. He comes here whenever there is a fun trip or he is picking me up for my birthday. He is the best brother in law I have ever met.

Some people doesn’t know what my name means and some people do. Aria means song it is a Italian name also it means that people perform Aria as a opera. I have heard of opera on the TV and I didn’t like it because it was too loud for my eardrums and it was about to explode. People always roll the r because that is how you pronounce it the right way but it’s just ARIA so don’t try and say it the wrong way.

Subjects. people always want to know what your subject is so they can make a connection with you or they might have a different one. My favourite subject is Maths and reading. Some people would disagree with maths because they don’t like it but I think that they are wrong.

I’m sorry I forgot to tell you when I was born well 2005 was the year. It was the year when I could start my adventure. Actually my adventure would be a crying one. I would cry when my mom or my 1st sister leaves me with my cousins because I know them more then my cousins. So the other people in my family would call me a cry baby because I cried all the time.                

Did you know that I go to the kindergarten that is just next to us well that is how I met my best friends there. There names are Miracle and Caroline. If you are wondering who Caroline is she is a kind and also a caring person, Unfortunately she gos to Rangikura school so we never really see her.

Well everyone that is enough about me I now want to know about you in the future.

Also I want you to remember this,

You are you don’t let anybody change that.   

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