Thursday, April 6, 2017

Cubism art learning story.

Cubism art learning story.

This is about art, a confusing one too, that is why we call it cubism art. Cubism art means that it is all over the place instead of being in one spot. We (Ngati aroha and awhina) have worked hard on our cubism art and wondered who created cubism art?. That’s why we went over to the pataka exhibition to research and discover who did.

As time was ticking we went inside the exhibition. It was filled with beautiful paintings that I didn’t know which one was my favorite. I tried to shout out my excitement out loud but we had to keep our voices down so I had to hold it in. I was looking around looking at the amazing art and found a cubism art called the Weeping woman, it looked very weird, very puzzled and that’s when I wondered who was the creator, who made cubism art? That's why the answers are here, that’s why we came.

... Georges Braque | by ...Finally we found the creator of the cubism art. We have discovered that a spanish painter named Pablo Picasso created cubism art. There is another painter named George Braque. Those two artist created a painting together, I don’t know what it's called but I still like it.

I have already started on my cubism art. My one is about a mother who had birth to her baby. I only drew the baby because it had more details to it more than the mother. Also the baby is giving me the draw me vibe but not the mother.

I am good at using bold lines so they can stand out because when people look at it they can see everything. They can also see the image more clearly.
My next is to use contrasting colours carefully because contrasting means that the colour need to match another and I used yellow and green, It didn’t really match but that will be my next steps

1 comment:

  1. I Love Your Cubism Art Learning Story Aria
