Monday, May 29, 2017

P.E learning story

P.E learning story.

For the past few weeks we have been doing P.E. Our goals is to work as a team by sharing/passing the ball to each other, Sharing idea’s also encouraging the team so they can feel hyped.

The game that provides hard work and working together is T-ball. I know that there is other games that require teamwork but my mind is on T-ball because it requires throwing the ball  to each other or even hitting the ball far as possible even cheering would make them feel accelerated.

When playing T-ball you always need a strategy to it like hitting the ball soft so the other team can run to it or hit it far at the sides so the other team can run all the way.

I am good at sharing my ideas (Strategy) so they know how to trick the other team also I am good at supporting them with feedback so next time they can improve more from their mistakes.

The next thing I want to talk about is dodge ball because it is a skilled throwing game that everybody loves.

Dodge ball is nearly everybody’s favorite game because they love throwing the balls to win but it's not always about winning, it's about having fun or even working together.

My next steps is to catch the ball because I always think that it will hit my face but I need to try and be brave by solving the problem. I can try and solve it by looking at the ball instead of closing my eyes then I could help the team more.

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