Thursday, August 9, 2018

Aria's swimming learning story

Aria’s Swimming learning story.

Know how to swim safely, then you’re fine. Have no idea, then danger awaits.

Since New Zealand is surrounded by water, there is no excuse for you not to know how to be safe in the water. To be able to live around water then taking swimming lessons will be your hero since they teach you all kinds of skills that can help you to survive e.g freestyle, breaststrokes.

While swimming you always have to manage yourself. So that means to…
  • Always listen to the instructor so you understand what to do.
  • Not muck around while you are learning something.
  • Being able to distract from all the things that are able to put us off.
So I'm saying that while I was in the pool I was good at managing self because of these three things.

Knowing that I was really good at managing self I realized that it helped me improve my swimming than what I did last year. I mostly improved on
  • Turn our heads to the side to breastStroke 1,2,3 breath.
  • Float on our tummy and back.
because as I remember I recall that I couldn’t swim very far because I didn’t turn my head to breath causing that to make me stop and take a breather. Now that I have improved I am able to swim as far as I can with breaststrokes.

Learning to survive in the water is important just how I now know that learning to be safe on a boat is important. As if 10 mins ago I didn’t know that you had to LEARN how to put a life jacket on properly. I thought that you just had to put it on, buckle and zip. Boy was I wrong. Struggling to breathe as if I was suffocating in a plastic bag while the life jacket got tighter and tighter. But luckily I now know how to put a life jacket on. (Properly)

My next steps are to obviously work on my freestyles because my arms seem to get tired. Maybe because I push myself too hard at the beginning and lose strength in the end. I just need to keep it even.
Don’t fear the water, make the water fear you.

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