Monday, August 28, 2017

Skipping learning story

Skipping learning story.

This year we have been doing some P.E but not any old P.E We have been doing some skipping. I know what you might be wondering how could skipping be P.E? Well I know it is because skipping makes you exercise and that's what other things in PE does and besides every time we do PE it’s always skipping, nothing else.

In skipping we get into our groups and do our routines. Some of the groups use some every day skipping moves like the criss cross, jumping backwards but some groups also made some new moves like the backwards criss cross that is really hard to do but you will get the hang of it.

I was good at sharing my ideas so my group can add on or have a idea that could be even better than the other. Me and my group were also good at working together so we could get our routine finished and polish it till it was time to perform it.

I got better at doing the harder moves so we could put it into our routine and make it better than it was before. I noticed sareta getting better at the criss cross because usually she would trip up a little bit but the more criss cross she does the more she will get it.

My next steps is to polish our routine because it is a bit rusty and it needs we need to put more effort into it so it would be perfect.



Ka tangi te titi
Ka tangi te kaka
Ka tangi hoki ahau
Tihei mauri ora

Kō Taranaki te maunga
Kō Patea te awa
Kō Tainui te waka
Kō Nga Ruahine te iwi
Kō Ngati Tama Ahuroa me Titahi te hapu
Kō Oeo te pa

Kō Karen tōku whaea
Kō Ihaka tōku matua tane
Ko Simone toku tuakana
Nō Porirua ahau
Kō Aria tōku ingoa

Kō Corinna tōku kura
Kō Ardelle me Kate tōku kaiako  
Kō Michele te tumuaki

No reira tena koutou tena koutou katoa

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Science learning story

For one week we have been visiting the lab in a box. Are you wondering if a lab is in a box? Well yes, it is. It's pretty weird that a lab is in a small box. My first impression when I went inside was that it was pretty lame and was not exciting but when I explored more in it I was pretty surprised that a small room could have a lot of stuff in it.

Now I am going to tell you what we do. My favourite science experience was rockets. Of course, it isn’t a real one it's just a fake one but can actually go up in the air. Me my group made a tiny rocket and with that tiny rocket comes with a cap. The ingredients are vinegar and baking soda, simple right.

Inside the cap, we had to put the baking soda in it and pour a little bit of vinegar inside the cylinder. What happens when baking soda and vinegar mixed together it starts bubbling up until it filled up the whole cylinder. It would pressure on the bottom of the rocket and blast off.

A lot of the times my group's rocket would fly up higher than the classroom. Scientist Suze was our teacher, she named my group the star of the class because our rocket went really high.

I was good at observing things carefully by staying focused so I know what it is or what it does and also I was good at Sharing others ideas confidently and clearly so people can add or get more ideas from it.

I got better at sticking with the task because I would just go flying around and do something else because I didn’t want to do that. I solved it by just looking at the teacher just think that she is the only person in the room and I wouldn’t be talking about something else.

My next steps is to doing or making something that helps people solve a problem, I will achieve that by getting out of my shell just say what is in my head and then we could get it over with.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Polyfest learning story

IMG_7736.JPGEvery 2 years we have Polyfest. What is Polyfest you say? Polyfest is when schools do cultural dances and show off their moves to everybody. We also have cultural groups e.g Maori, Cook Island, Samoan, Tokelau and Kapa haka we all have our own flair to the dance. We have been practising for months to make it perfect till the big day. There have been some bad moments and some proud moments during this.

The big day came. The hall was packed. All these people came to see their kids shining on the stage to make them happy and proud. We all did a good job wait scratch that we did a fantastic job on our performance.

I was good at being a role model for others to copy so they can learn quickly and be respectable to the tutors also I am good at choosing appropriate behaviours to learn and improve so I know what's best for me.

Angel noticed that I was using a lot of facial expression e.g Smiling.
Sareta noticed that I was doing big sharp actions when I was performing. I noticed other people like Anita singing her hardest when she was on the stage by herself and Samuel dancing sassy as usual and putting a lot of effort in it.

I got better at being patient because I was would kinda moan all the time about when we are going to do something or if we are going to leave but I would just sit or stand there and wait until its finish or starts.

Next time I need to work on sharing my skills by teaching others because I was a bit shy when we were practising because I was in a new group I have never been in before and that is Senior Samoan I didn’t know what to do because I was usually in Maori.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Dialogue learning story

Dialogue Learning story

Since term 2 we have been working on dialogues. If you don’t know what a dialogue is? A dialogue is 2 or more people having a discussion but in a film or books.

We have written a couple of dialogs like Superman, monkey symphony, rock paper scissors.
For the monkey symphony and rock paper scissors, we had to watch a video that had no talking in it so we had to write down what they would say.

But for superman we had to look at the picture and visualise what they would do and what they would say. We had to pick one of them to improve more and post it on our blog. So I just read all my dialogues and thought Superman was the one.

I was good at a lot of humour e.g Oh man this I beam is too skinny for my butt why can’t I balance? Also I was good at using similes e.g I will drop down and lie flat like a pancake.

I got better at giving it a go and just being brave and write down the gold that is in my head because in the past I would just be stumped and wouldn’t write anything down.

But now I have made a big improvement because a lot of people thought that it was really funny, interesting and they could visualise in their head what was going on.

My next steps is to not to put in so much argument because it would mean that it’s about a characters having a fight but I just had ideas that would contain a fight so I just wrote it down but next time I will think of another way of to make less negative.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Superman quick write

Mr Wado - ahh what a beautiful hot day with a beautiful city behind us to have Superman to get us pizza

Mr Greedy - Oh man this I beam is too skinny for my butt why can’t I balance?

Mr Johnson- Well maybe you just need to work out like me, you’re as fat as a hippopotamus.

Mr Greedy - Hmph! I am perfectly fit myself I just need to...

Mr Johnson- You just need to work out? Like seriously!!

Mr Greedy - That is so rude Mr Johnson, I am going to talk to Mr Weirdo, He won’t mind that I’m fat

Mr Greedy - Hey Mr Weirdo?

Mr Wado - For the millionth time, It's Wado.

Mr Greedy - Okay, Weirdo.

Mr Wado - Ugh what is it?

Mr Greedy - Well Mr Johnson over there thinks I am fat do you think I am?

Mr Wado - Ok I am just going to say this once and only once. You need to start exercising. No matter what you do besides exercising your stomach will be fatter than the whole world

Mr Greedy - Really you too?

Mr Greedy -  Where’s Superman at. He's taken to long to get the pizza. I am getting super hungry.

Superman - Hungry you say?

Mr Greedy - Finally you have the pizza, now give me, give me, give me!

Superman - hold on mate I just hope it won’t make you even bigger,

Mr Greedy - what I wasn’t listening I was just busy eating the pizza - could you go and buy some more.

Superman - wha what how did you

Mr Greedy - the power of the stomach Superman

Superman - okay I will go get another pizza.

Superman - Done

Mr Greedy - Yay now give it to me

Mr Johnson - oh no you don’t you will get even fatter and then your whole butt won’t even fit on the bar.

Mr Greedy - Woah Woah Woah do you know who you are messing with.

Mr Johnson - Yeah I'm messing with a fat guy who NEEDS to work out and eat a bit more healthier.

Mr Wado  - Well let's just think it’s best that to fight down on the ground not HIGH UP IN THE SKY

Mr Johnson - wow Mr Weirdo I never knew you had it in you


Mr. Johnson - Ok Weirdo

Mr Greedy - Ugh I don’t care Mr whatever his name is just how do you get down from here.

SuperMan - Well maybe you could fly down

Mr. Greedy - Are you crazy even if I could fly down I will drop down and lie flat like a flat pancake

Superman - Then take the elevator.

Mr. Greedy - ARE YOU STILL CRAZY, Just look at me, I have a big stomach, do you think an elevator would like to be friends with a stomach like mine. Nuh uh.