Monday, August 28, 2017

Skipping learning story

Skipping learning story.

This year we have been doing some P.E but not any old P.E We have been doing some skipping. I know what you might be wondering how could skipping be P.E? Well I know it is because skipping makes you exercise and that's what other things in PE does and besides every time we do PE it’s always skipping, nothing else.

In skipping we get into our groups and do our routines. Some of the groups use some every day skipping moves like the criss cross, jumping backwards but some groups also made some new moves like the backwards criss cross that is really hard to do but you will get the hang of it.

I was good at sharing my ideas so my group can add on or have a idea that could be even better than the other. Me and my group were also good at working together so we could get our routine finished and polish it till it was time to perform it.

I got better at doing the harder moves so we could put it into our routine and make it better than it was before. I noticed sareta getting better at the criss cross because usually she would trip up a little bit but the more criss cross she does the more she will get it.

My next steps is to polish our routine because it is a bit rusty and it needs we need to put more effort into it so it would be perfect.

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