Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Science learning story

For one week we have been visiting the lab in a box. Are you wondering if a lab is in a box? Well yes, it is. It's pretty weird that a lab is in a small box. My first impression when I went inside was that it was pretty lame and was not exciting but when I explored more in it I was pretty surprised that a small room could have a lot of stuff in it.

Now I am going to tell you what we do. My favourite science experience was rockets. Of course, it isn’t a real one it's just a fake one but can actually go up in the air. Me my group made a tiny rocket and with that tiny rocket comes with a cap. The ingredients are vinegar and baking soda, simple right.

Inside the cap, we had to put the baking soda in it and pour a little bit of vinegar inside the cylinder. What happens when baking soda and vinegar mixed together it starts bubbling up until it filled up the whole cylinder. It would pressure on the bottom of the rocket and blast off.

A lot of the times my group's rocket would fly up higher than the classroom. Scientist Suze was our teacher, she named my group the star of the class because our rocket went really high.

I was good at observing things carefully by staying focused so I know what it is or what it does and also I was good at Sharing others ideas confidently and clearly so people can add or get more ideas from it.

I got better at sticking with the task because I would just go flying around and do something else because I didn’t want to do that. I solved it by just looking at the teacher just think that she is the only person in the room and I wouldn’t be talking about something else.

My next steps is to doing or making something that helps people solve a problem, I will achieve that by getting out of my shell just say what is in my head and then we could get it over with.

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