Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Aria's P.E learning story

Aria’s P.E learning story.

“This is where I lose weight isn’t it” “Oh  geez”

P.E. is where it makes us all excited to play games and trying our best to either win or lose. Or it’s the total opposite where you get exhausted and you lose a bit of weight. Well I think that all of us agree with the second reason but let’s stick with the positive things here everyone.

Over the past few weeks room 12 have been focusing on the purpose of trying to expect the best from ourselves and also from each other when we play team games. But by achieving this purpose we had to encounter a few games. T - ball, Softball, Rounders and dodgeball.

First, I want to talk about dodgeball. Dodgeball is a game where you hit people below the waist and get them out. The main goal is to get every player on the opposite team out so your team can win. My team was good at…

  • Using clever strategy e.g catch the ball so you can get the other team players out
  • Talking with each other so we know what to do.
  • Always trying our best.
  • Working together as a team e.g sharing the ball with each other so everyone gets a turn.
  • Not caring if we win or lose
  • Being a good sport to the other team.
  • Including everyone so no ones a passenger.

By using these I was mainly good at including everyone on my team so no one is a passenger by sharing the ball with them so everyone can have a  go so we can all have fun and enjoy the game.

The K.C skill I used was relating to others seen as the paragraph above is how I used that K.C skill. But there were other ways I used relating to others by..
  • Cheering for everyone that is giving their best shot
  • Always caring for someone that gets hurt.
  • Being a good sport to the other team so they know that I am not the type of person to just shame the other team because we win some games.

Experiencing these skills I used helps by letting everyone know that we can trust each other whether I am in their team or not so I could use these skills to help everyone e.g Always caring for someone that gets hurt.

My next steps are to use the strategies that the other team is using e.g aim at the foot instead of going high up because if I can see what they are doing then I would talk to my team and then use it against them to try and win.  

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