Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Aria's Reading learning story

Aria’s Reading learning story

The whole book was a great read!” “To sum this book up in one word: Brilliant.”

Stephen Measday, is the author who wrote a fiction book that made me fired up - Send Simon Savage. Do you know what the purpose is for a fiction book?. Well ifiction means it’s all made up, so it would most likely be to entertain you with all the exciting parts in the book. An example of Send Simon Savage,
“Mum!” “Simon dropped onto the couch next to his mother.” “What’s going on?”
Glenda Savage gripped his hand. “It’s your father.” “He’s . . . he’s disappeared.”
Why did I choose this book? What made me think that I would like this book? Well., the blurb at the back was just filled with all the excitement that made me feel so thrilled and I had to know what would happen next in the book e.g
“Time travel is real”
“It is also a tightly kept secret”
“But there are people somewhere in time, who know more than they should”
“And they are doing things that they shouldn’t.”
“Someone has to stop them.”

“How did that hook you in Aria?” Well the kind of books I like are adventure and mystery. They make me feel like I am on a road that leads me to a quest of dangers and risks that lies in a exciting book and that's what the book did to me. That little bit of the blurb made me feel like I was about to start my new quest.

Understanding the book is pretty hard but that’s why you have to read over and over again so you can understand it or use the reading skills like evaluating. That was a reading skill that helped me to be the best learner I can be. What I did was that I thought of being the character in the story e.g if I was Simon Savage (The main character in the story)  and my father disappeared then I would feel depressed for a while but in the meantime I would also look for him because I care about my dad and I’m sure that he would look for me too if I went missing.

Locating information. How it makes me a learner is that I find out interesting things about something in the book and it makes me curious on what’s going to happen next. E.g I located information so I found out that when Simon’s father use to be a scientist and he was still alive he worked in a lab for a top secret government called the Bureau to create fantastic machines so they can use in the future e.g Simon’s father was the one who created the time machine. But none of his family knew anything about it.

Look at this video I recorded and see if you can imagine what’s going on.

If there’s no end then there is no beginning.

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