Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Aria's Writing learning story

Aria’s Writing learning story.

Writing is full of passion. Writing is full of emotion. Writing is full of hard work. Once you use these elements you can finally start.

The purpose of a good but interesting piece of writing needs to entertain the reader, make the reader visualize and make them read on.  If you didn’t do any of those things then you need to use the success criteria.

Here is an example of my personal profile and you may see that I have used some of the success criteria to complete and achieve my goal to write an interesting piece of writing for the readers and to communicate ideas about my identity.

Our Purpose: To communicate someone’s identity effectively, as writers we can…
  • Use a hook
  • Use other ways of making our reader want to read more, like …(ellipses), or only giving a little information at once.
  • Make our readers work something out (infer) by:
  • giving clues and not stating directly (Show not tell)
  • using anecdotes and examples. Stories from our past.
  • Use a creative and interesting writing style (poem, news report…)
  • Use clever dialogue.
  • Carefully choose language to create a picture for our reader.
  • Use punctuation to help your reader make sense of your writing
  • Use informal language - everyday language/ Language we use with our friends.
  • Rhetorical questions.

One of the success criteria I was mostly good at was using hooks e.g“The whole book was a great read!” “To sum this book up in one word: Brilliant.” That was from my reading learning story. I used a praise that someone said about the book so I used it as my hook also so the reader would probably know that it’s a brilliant book and would want to read it themselves.

What I found hard was to make a piece of writing interesting so the reader can be entertained. So I had to get some ideas from the help of my friends and then use their feedback to improve my writing e.g “About 12 years have passed and many things have happened since. Until now Aria knows that there is still more adventures that await her”. (Personal profile)

What I need to improve on is to use show not tell in my writing. Why do I need to work on that? Well, what I am doing right now is just stating something directly so I am just giving you facts. Instead, I should give the reader clues so they can infer and work something out. This helps them to think more about what I’m saying.

“If you have a story”
“It has to come out”
(Quote by William Faulkner)

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