Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Aria's Tech learning story

Aria’s Tech learning story

12:30 to 2:30 on a Thursday is the time when the year 7 & 8 go over to Brandon Intermediate where your favorite subjects may be there. Art, Sewing, Cooking, Woodwork and music. Cooking is my favorite because you get to make delicious food that you share with friends and whanau.

Woodwork, is the first class I was put in when I came back to Brandon Intermediate. Not one of my greatest skills because I am not great with wood e.g I always seem to drop a piece of wood and it would make a huge noise. But that didn’t stop me making a box.
The purpose of making a box was to put in something that is valuable to you or just storing something in it because you have nowhere to put it. I achieved that by working with people that can help me to achieve my goal to make a box e.g Gabby, Titi and Ata. We helped each other to accomplish the goal by giving each other a helping a hand and reminding each other what the next step was.

What I found difficult was that I had to use a block plane. “Are you talking about a flying plane?” Well no. A block plane is a small woodworking hand plane that has a blade on the’s designed to carve the wood as you push it along. Yeah so as I was pushing it, I did it at the wrong angle and that would prevent the shape to be a bit crooked but by practising over and over I knew that I would get better at it.

The k.c skill I used really well was managing self because I always listened to the teacher so I can get finished and done with the things that needs to be done instead of just mucking around and being left with a piece of wood which nobody ended up with. I also used relating to others really well by helping somebody if they were getting left behind so they can catch up and move on.

When I finished creating my box I felt proud of what I made with all the hard work I put into to it. Everytime I look at it, it always reminds me of how I never gave up and just kept going until I have achieved creating something that needed to be done.

Now woodwork ticked off.
On to the next subject… Sewing

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